Community service organisations are the heartbeat of our communities. Every day, hundreds of determined staff and volunteers work to assist Western Australians who experience disadvantage and adversity.
Most of these staff and volunteers expect little in return for their hard work – whether they are making positive change for children, young people, families, or entire communities.
The Community Services Excellence Awards are a celebration of WA’s unsung heroes and the organisations they work for.
Community service organisations make a significant difference in the lives of many people, whether it is through local projects run by local volunteers or through their work across the state. These awards are your chance to recognise and honour them.
The CSEAs are a partnership between the Western Australian Government, through the Department of Communities, and the Western Australian Council of Social Service. The partnership’s success is due to the commitment of collaboration between the State Government and the community services sector.
Award finalists and winners will be honoured at a ceremony held on 1 May 2023 in conjunction with the 2023 WACOSS Conference – the largest gathering of community service representatives in the state.
We look forward to your nominations and celebrating the outstanding achievements of WA’s vibrant and innovative community services sector.
Thanks again for everything you do.
Mark Glasson – President Hon Sabine Winton MLA – Minister